Popular Manchester Restaurant Closes On Elm Street
Updated: Mar 21, 2022
A popular bakery and lunch spot on Elm Street has closed its doors for the retail section of their Manchester business. The restaurant won several "Best Of" contests throughout the years from the Hippo Press and NH Union Leader.
Several people reported that the Baked location at 1015 Elm Street has appeared to be closed, the doors locked, but no signs on the door.
Manchester Information reached out to Baked through their website and verified that they have closed their Manchester restaurant location.
Baked Downtown Cafe & Bakery, LLC CEO Peter Jennings responded saying "Manchester has relocated to a catering and wholesale business. Concord is open and doing well!”
The Concord location is located at 249 Sheep Davis Rd if you would like to visit that location.
No information was provided on the catering and wholesale business, however on their website they provide this link - http://www.bakeddowntown.com/CATERING.html
At this time is unknown what will happen with the space at the corner of Elm St and Concord St where the restaurant was located.
