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Live Timeline: Adam Montgomery Trial for Murder of Harmony Montgomery

Writer: Caity KozCaity Koz

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

Thursday, February 22

Deliberations continue, verdict reached
  • While deliberating, the jury asked. one question.

    • Jury asked: "How does the court define consciously disregarded?"

    • Court's answer: "The jury has been given the legal definition of the mental state recklessly. You must use the definition provided. You should use your common sense in judgment, and consider the ordinary usage of the terms within the definition. No additional instruction on this will be provided."

  • The jury reached a verdict at 1:15 PM

    • Jury finds Adam Montgomery guilty on all charges

      • Second-Degree Assault: Guilty

      • Second-Degree Murder: Guilty

      • Falsifying Physical Evidence: Guilty

      • Abuse of Corpse: Guilty

      • Tampering with Witnesses and Informants: Guilty

  • Senior Assistant AG Benjamin Agati, Manchester Police Chief Allen Aldenberg, and Harmony's mother Chrystal Sorey spoke after court was dismissed.

    • Senior Assistant AG Benjamin Agati spoke about the breadth of the work and communication among departments nationwide on this case. He also expressed his gratitude for the jury, especially given the difficulty and length of this case.

      • Senior Assistant AG Agati also spoke about the continued search for Harmony's body, given the known area of Adam's U-Haul trip.

      • He also noted that under NH Law, Adam is required to be present in court for the sentencing.

    • Chief Aldenberg expressed his gratitude for the team that worked on this case.

      • He also noted that there were failures before the Manchester Police Department got became aware of the case and listened to Crystal's concerns. He stated that he "still firmly believe[s] that some people in other agencies need to be held accountable," because "we wouldn't be standing here today if other people had done their job."

      • Chief Aldenberg also stated that it is not over, "We’ve still got to find her. This girl deserves better than the life that she had."

    • Crystal stated she finally feels "relieved that some justice is being served." While talking about Adam, she stated, "He thought he was so untouchable and that she didn’t matter and that no one would miss her and he was so wrong. He was so wrong.”

Wednesday, February 21

Defense calls no witnesses, closing arguments made, jury begins deliberations
  • Judge Messer notes that posters have been placed in courthouse regarding the case and instructs jury to consider only the information presented during trial in reaching a verdict

  • Defense calls no witnesses

  • Defense’s Closing Argument

    • Defense argued that Kayla mixed truth with lies in her testimony against Adam, and maintained that he did not kill his “baby girl” and only “hid and manipulated” Harmony’s body to keep his family together. 

    • Urged the jury to look past the “horror and emotion” of what Kayla said on the stand to see that “they are lies intertwined with truth.” 

    • Further argued that it was highly improbable that Adam beat and yelled at Harmony outside of the methadone clinic and at stop lights on the way to Burger King without anyone noticing. 

    • Attempted to undermine Kayla’s testimony that Adam ordered three croissants, one for her, one for him, and one for Harmony, after allegedly beating Harmony to death

    • Questioned Kayla’s failure to seek help or assistance upon recognizing that Harmony was dead

    • Argued that “instinct” would have compelled Kayla to protect Harmony against Adam’s beatings if they had actually occurred

    • “No one can maintain love for a man who would do something like that” the Defense argued. 

    • Suggested that Adam was not a threat to Kayla, but rather her protector, taking the fall for something he did not do

    • Noted that Kayla seemed to “move on” from Harmony’s death, whereas Adam tried to commit suicide several times in the aftermath of Harmony’s death.

    • Focused on how Kayla was her own person and not dependant on Adam

    • Maintained that Adam’s uncle, Kevin, who Kayla claimed Adam said would kill her if she went to the police, was the same one who called child protective services for Harmony

    • Attacked Kayla’s conflicting testimony regarding the use of power tools in the bathroom of the Union St apartment to dismember Harmony’s body

    • Maintained that Adam never attempted to hide Harmony from view while she was alive and that Harmony was seen by several other people with no apparent injuries in the days leading up to her death

    • Noted that no blood was found in the car despite Kayla’s claim that Adam beat Harmony severely enough to cause her nose to bleed

    • “She’s lying because the truth points to her”

    • “Adam did some very bad things, but he did not kill his daughter”

  • State’s Closing Argument

    • Reiterated Adam’s admission to Travis Beach that “I fucked up”

    • Argued Adam was an “enraged tyrant” that had no business being around Harmony

    • Maintained that Adam conceded to falsifying physical evidence and abuse of corpse out of necessity, because he could not reasonably deny them, not because he wanted to take responsibility for his actions

    • Adam “admits what he can’t deny and denies what he can’t afford to admit”

    • “Getting rid of evidence, that’s what murders do”

    • Focused on the testimony of others regarding Harmony’s abuse, including Adam’s uncle Kevin’s testimony that Adam told him he “bashed her (Harmony) around the fucking house”

    • Maintained that young children adapt to their environment and would have likely acclimated to Adam’s beatings of Harmony, not causing a “cascade of chaos” as the Defense tried to argue

    • Conceded that Kayla did nothing to help Harmony, but that “you don’t have to like her to believe her”

    • Argued the Defense wants to “have their cake and eat it too” when it comes to the characterization of Kayla as both a master manipulator and an admitted failure in protecting Harmony

    • Maintained that Kayla is a “battered woman” who admitted the “inconvenient truth” that she did nothing to help Harmony prior to her death

    • “Kayla did nothing, and you can’t get something from nothing”

    • Argued that even in the absence of Kayla’s testimony, there is still ample evidence to convict the defendant

    • Suggested that Adam’s paranoia after Harmony’s death was not a sign of depression or mental illness, but of a guilty conscience

    • Undermined the Defense’s theory that “something happened” to Harmony early in the morning of December 7, 2019 while Adam was away, noting that Adam was not working for Tony Bodero nor anyone else at the time and therefore had “no business” to attend to

    • Addressed the relative lack of physical evidence due to “time and elements” wearing down human DNA as well as Adam’s efforts in cleaning the car and other locations where Harmony’s body was stored

    • Noted that Kayla could not have known about most of the physical evidence that was later discovered to corroborate her statement to detectives

    • Argued that Adam would have reacted violently if Harmony had died while she was alone with Kayla in the middle of the night and would not have allowed her to continue to watch his remaining two children

    • Adam believes “Harmony’s life and death are a waste of time” the State declared, referencing Adam’s remarks from a recorded phone conversation where he stated investigators were “wast[ing] their time” looking for Harmony

    • Adam “forfeited” his right to be called Harmony’s father when he beat her to death in the car

    • “She was an object” to Adam, not a person, the State argued

  • Judge Messer delivered final instructions to the jury before deliberations

  • Jury was excused for deliberations at 1:15 PM

Tuesday, February 20

Four witnesses take the stand, the State rests, Judge rules on motions
  • Douglas Small, grandfather of Kelsey Small

    • Owns several one-family properties in Maine

    • Reviewed images from Walmart surveillance footage to identify Adam Montgomery and Kelsey Small

    • November 11, 2021 Adam and Kelsey stayed with him for several weeks

    • Loaned Kelsey his gray 2006 Pontiac GrandPrix in late 2021

    • Investigators searched some of Small’s properties for Harmony, including a one-room schoolhouse

    • No evidence was found

  • Bryan Hernandez, Mass. State Trooper

    • Acted as liaison between Mass State Police and MPD

    • In September 2022 Hernandez began investigating, received toll records of Adam Montgomery

    • Reviewed images of the license plate of Adam’s U-Haul van and noted three images captured early morning of March 4, 2020, for Tobin Bridge North, South, and North. Tobin Bridge is just outside of Boston.

    • Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) assisted in investigation, searched various areas in the vicinity of Tobin Bridge for Harmony’s body over the course of several days

    • No evidence was found

  • Rebecca Maines, inmate at NH State Prison for Women

    • Met Adam in 2021, considered him her best friend

    • Adam told her he dropped Harmony off with her mother in 2019 and that her mother would not allow him to see Harmony

    • Also told Maines that Harmony had frequent bathroom accidents, sometimes “on purpose”

    • Said he sent her back to her mother’s because she would “constantly shit her pants”

    • Adam told her he “backhanded” Harmony when he saw her holding her hand over his other child's face

    • Adam said Harmony reminded him of her mother and that “he hated her”

    • On cross, defense focused on Maines criminal record, to which Maines responded “I don’t know that we need to go through all of this, I’m telling you, I’m a criminal”

    • Testified that she introduced Adam and Kelsey 

    • According to defense, Maines told detectives that she would like to see Adam in prison but that she would need their help to do that 

    • On redirect, testified that she has no promises from the State regarding her current or previous charges in exchange for testimony against Adam

    • Clarified that Adam told her he brought Harmony to her mother’s Thanksgiving of 2019

    • On recross, indicated that Adam told her he wanted to “make sure [Harmony] had the proper care” in sending her to her mother’s

  • Matthew Laroachelle, Captain with MPD

    • Worked with various local, state, and federal agencies (FBI, US Marshals) during the course of Harmony investigation

    • Discovered Harmony was never enrolled in school 

    • Received and investigated a tip that Harmony was alive and attending school in Surprise, AZ

    • Reviewed a recording of a phone conversation between Adam and an unknown person where Adam stated investigators were “wast[ing] their time” searching for Harmony’s body

  • State rests

  • Jury dismissed at 11:45 AM

  • Defense, State, and Judge Amy Messer discusses several matters

    • Defense argues for dismissal of 2nd-degree murder and assault charge based on Kayla’s testimony, noting that she is convicted perjurer and that parts of her testimony regarding Adam’s assault on Harmony are “frankly ludicrous” given the public nature where many of the assaults are alleged to have taken place and the fact no one else apparently noticed or attempted to intervene.

    • Defense also argued to remove witness tampering charge claiming that Kayla was a voluntary co-conspirator in the effort to conceal Harmony’s body after her death

    • State maintains that Kayla’s testimony alone is sufficient to convict, but that it does not have to be relied on alone as there is copious additional evidence to support a conviction. State further argues that it is very easy to “be violent” towards a small child lying in the backseat of a car

    • State refers to evidence of physical abuse to support charge of witness tampering, arguing Kayla only lied to grand jury to comply with Adam’s demands to “stick with the story”

  • Judge Messer denied all three motions to dismiss by defense

  • Trial will resume Wednesday at 10:00 AM

Credit Charles Krupa/AP/Pool

Monday, February 19

No court for the President’s Day holiday

Friday, February 16

Eight witnesses take the stand

  • Travis Beach, ex-boyfriend of Brittany Bedard

    • Co-worker of Brendon Middleton at Accurate Tree Service

    • Known Adam Montgomery since he was 17

    • Reconnected with Adam at the Mall of NH food court early 2020, Adam asked if Beach could rent a U-Haul for him, Beach “didn’t hesitate to help a friend”

    • Testified he initially asked Bedard, then Middleton, to rent the U-Haul on Adam’s behalf, as he did not have a license

    • Testified that he, Bedard, Middleton, Adam and Kayla all returned to EconoLodge after renting the U-Haul to do cocaine

    • Adam told Beach 4 to 5 times “I fucked up” while pacing in the parking lot of the EconoLodge

    • Testified that he never saw Adam drive the U-Haul 

    • Reviewed Facebook messages he sent to Adam asking where the van was when Adam was late to drop it off, Adam responded “please don’t message me stuff like this on FB again”

    • Beach assumed Adam was moving, did not suspect anything suspicious

    • Testified he was not allowed to talk to Kayla

    • On cross,  Beach testified he did not recall exactly when he reconnected with Adam at the food court but that it was prior to the events in March 2020

  • Tarah Hilbert, property manager for 644 Union St apartment

    • Testified that Adam and Kayla’s children would play with her children in the parking lot

    • Adam told Hilbert that Harmony’s mother took her back to Lowell, Massachusetts

    • Did not see Adam or Kayla for the first 6 months after they moved in

    • Testified that Adam beat Kayla “pretty bad” and that she took Kayla and the two boys to a hotel at one point to get her away from Adam

    • Adam and Kayla were ultimately evicted 

    • On cross, Hilbert noted that she remained friends with Kayla even after her arrest

  •  Jessica Guerin, employee of Granite State Recovery 

    • Dated Shane Perkins, a friend of Adam’s

    • Testified Adam lived at 214 Auburn St with Shane

    • At one point in May of 2021 Adam mentioned having a daughter to her but very quickly changed the subject

  • Nicole Giles, resident of FIT shelter Unit 8

    • Met Adam at FIT shelter

    • Spoke to Adam and Kayla daily

    • Testified she regularly saw Kayla with bruises all over her and that Kayla told her in private they were from Adam but she was afraid to leave him

    • Helped Montgomery's move from FIT shelter to Union St apartment

    • Visited them at their new apartment, noted apartment was cluttered, messy, infested with cockroaches, light fixtures were hanging from ceiling

    • Testified that Adam often told her he believed he was being surveilled, that the number 5 bus was following him, and that cameras/microphones were in the lights of the apartment

    • On cross, Giles noted she was interviewed June 2022 by two MPD detectives about Harmony and that she told them she never observed any evidence of abuse by Adam towards Kayla

    • On redirect, Giles noted that an MPD detective met with her again January of 2024 and that she changed her mind regarding testifying against Adam because she’s a mother and felt for Harmony and her family

    • On recross, Giles admitted that she was not forced to speak with detectives in June of 2022 and that the interview was voluntary

  • Michael Dobe, security officer at Walmart

    • Discussed the function of the EcoATM in the store in which he worked, a “digital pawn shop” that allows users to receive cash for unwanted electronic devices

    • MPD requested and received security footage from December 30, 2021 from that EcoATM location

    • Reviewed footage showing three individuals, a male that appeared to be Adam, a female that appeared to be Kayla, and an unknown female, enter the Walmart at which he was employed and use the EcoATM

    • Adam and the unknown female are seen eventually leaving the EcoATM and then walking through the cosmetics section of the store

  • Adam Bergeron-Rosa, detective with MPD

    • Testified he is currently out on medical leave and has a sensitivity to light

    • Processed the blue Audi from January 21 thru 23 2022, the FIT crime scene, and the basement area of Union St apartments, focusing on the drain pipes

    • Testified the FBI was also present during Union St processing focusing on the upper level of the building

    • Explained that investigators power washed the inside of the pipes, forcing their contents through a set of sifters to collect anything of evidentiary value

    • Testified that a forensic anthropologist was also present in case any human remains were found

    • Explained LeadsOnline system used to help police locate stolen items that are taken to pawn shops for “quick cash”

    • Tracked Kelsey Small and Adam Montgomery for stolen items that were taken to an EcoATM at Walmart

    • Recovered a Samsung Galaxy phone that Small attempted to sell to the ATM

  • Louis Krawczyk, detective with MPD

    • Specializes in cyber crimes and analyzing digital evidence

    • Discussed the use of GrayKey, hardware, used to gain access to phone’s contents 

    • Noted that even deleted files can be recovered

    • Reviewed FB messages found on phone requesting jumper cables for a dead car between Adam Montgomery and Travis Beach

    • On cross, Krawczyk noted that the FB messages were not necessarily written from the phone but rather that the phone was logged into the account from which the messages were sent and received

  • Craig Stanzel, juvenile detective with MPD and SRO at Memorial High School

    • Located the vehicle Adam Montgomery lived in, blue Pontiac with Maine plates, registered to Douglas Small on December 31, 2021

    • Reviewed bodycam footage taken from his encounter with Adam showing Adam wearing the same shirt as in the Walmart surveillance footage - there was no audio 

    • On cross, testified that he searched the parking lot in which he found Adam because it was a known lot for homeless people

  • Judge Messer noted that evidence was being presented more quickly than anticipated and that trial should be over by end of next week

  • Court concluded at 2:30 PM

Credit David Lane/Union Leader/Pool

Thursday, February 15

Nine witnesses take the stand

  • Alan Ackroyd-Isales, senior DNA analyst at DNA Labs International

    • Testified that his lab was able to develop a DNA profile for Harmony taken from Harmony’s Trolls toothbrush as well as for Adam Montgomery and Crystal Sorey 

    • Testified that he performed DNA analysis on two samples taken from the sheetrock ceiling tile

      • Ambiguity in profile led him to conclude there were two contributors

      • Analysis found that DNA profile was 4.1 billion times more likely to be Harmony and an unknown person than two unknown persons

      • Further found it was 12 times and 18 times more likely to be two unknown persons than either Crystal or Adam, respectively

      • Could not conclusively identify the second contributor due to insufficient genetic data

    • Also performed analysis on two rails from ceiling which revealed a single contributor 

    • Analysis indicated that the contributor was 1.4 trillion times more likely to be Harmony than an unknown person

    • Noted that he also tested samples from various other materials on which blood was indicated but that results were inconclusive for DNA comparison purposes

    • On cross, testified that DNA Labs Int. uses a unique type of DNA analysis that allows for analysis of complex or degraded DNA, namely “probabilistic genotyping” (PG) 

      • Explained how PG software program works to analyze DNA using successively more accurate guesses until it reaches a final result

      • “I can only provide probabilities, not conclusions.”

    • Never received a reference profile for Kayla Montgomery

    • On redirect, clarified that his laboratory is not the only one in the country to use PG analysis and that the software program has been in use since 2015

  • Emily Thompson, delivery driver at Portland Pie Co

    • Worked with Adam in winter of 2020 at Portland Pie

    • Testified she saw Adam either enter or exit the walk-in cooler with a bag on one occasion

  • Cameron Gibney, front-of-house manager at Portland Pie Co 

    • Testified Adam worked in the kitchen as a cook

    • Testified he also saw Adam place a bag in the walk-in cooler

    • Identified a photo of the bag shown to him by the state as Adam’s bag

  • Eugene Wasson, employee of Home Depot

    • Reviewed transaction history document of Manchester Home Depot showing the purchase of a 40 lb bag of limestone, a fuel grinder, a Milwaukee battery, and a Diablo blade for a total of $400 paid cash on February 26, 2020, presumed to be Adam Montgomery per the State

    • On cross, Wasson testified that he could not say for sure who the purchaser was since they paid in cash and did not know for how long Home Depot kept surveillance camera footage

  • Max Rahill, MPD detective

    • Worked with other investigators to collect and document evidence from FIT room where ceiling tile was found

    • Processed room and bathroom with Bluestar

    • Reviewed Kayla Montgomery’s bank account records and noted that it was a shared account

      • Noted that a withdrawal of $500 dollars was made from Citizens Bank on February 26, 2020, the same date the limestone, fuel grinder, Milwaukee battery, and Diablo blade was allegedly purchased by Adam Montgomery at Home Depot

      • Requested but did not receive surveillance footage from Citizens Bank as the footage no longer existed by the time the request was made in 2022

      • Requested but did not receive surveillance footage from Home Depot as the footage no longer existed by the time the request was made in 2022

    • On cross, testified that when he presented photographs of different types of lime to Kayla during proffer she indicated only one that was “the most similar,” not identical to, the bag she saw in the bathroom

    • Noted that Kayla never mentioned that power tools were used in the bathroom during interview, only that a circular saw was located in the apartment they were living in at the time and that Adam said he was going to “try to put her [Harmony]  in pieces”

    • This was not the tool from the Home Depot receipt, a fuel grinder

  • Brittany Bedard, stayed at EconoLodge during the same time as Adam and Kayla

    • Stayed at EconoLodge March 3-4 2020 and put a second room for Kayla and Adam in her name

    • Adam was a friend of her boyfriend at the time, Travis Beach 

    • Testified that she saw Adam driving a rented U-Haul truck

    • Testified that Adam was accompanied by another man, unknown, while he stayed at the motel

    • On cross, testified that she saw Kayla had a stroller containing a CMC bag

  • Dennis Cloutier, maintenance worker at 644 Union St

    • Responded to maintenance request for Adam’s apartment on February 27, 2020

    • Adam complained that tub was not draining, Cloutier snaked the drain and replaced the overflow plate

    • Had to return later to replace lights which had been pulled from sockets, Adam said he pulled them out because he thought there were cameras in them

  • Brendon Middleton, inmate at Hillsborough County House of Corrections

    • Friend of Travis Beach and Brittany Bedard

    • March 3, 2020 Middleton rented a U-Haul van for Travis and Brittany

    • Met Beach at a gas station on South Willow to transfer the van to him after renting it from the South Willow U-Haul

    • Never knew Adam or Kayla Montgomery

  • Rosanne Smith, driver for Pelican Transportation

    • Drove Adam, Kayla and family to methadone clinic on Market St

    • Harmony was never present from the time she started driving them in December of 2019

    • On March 2021 , a “ride [she] will never forget”, Smith testified that she noticed Kayla’s left eye was badly bruised and starting to swell shut as she drove Kayla and Adam to the clinic

    • She tried to give Kayla her phone to “call for help” when she dropped Adam off at their apartment after driving them to the clinic but Adam, in a state of “pure rage,” reached into the car and tried to snatch the phone away from her

    • Testified that she stated “Adam I love you, I’m trying to help you two,” after which Adam “softened” and released the phone

  • Court concluded at 3:55 PM

Credit David Lane/Union Leader/Pool

Wednesday, February 14

Six witnesses take the stand, Swango continues testimony
  • Adam Montgomery did not appear in court.

  • The state continues calling witnesses.

  • Katie Swango continued her testimony

    • Testified that DNA profile of Harmony’s toothbrush was sent to National DNA Database as a missing person

    • During cross, Swango noted that two swabs were sent to DNA analysis unit even though not determined to be blood during serology testing

    • Swabs from trunk of Sebring were also analyzed

    • No DNA evidence was obtained

  • Scott Riley, former juvenile detective for MPD

    • Testified that it was “all hands on deck” when Harmony investigation started at MPD office

    • Testified that MPD received a tip from their interview with Kayla that Harmony’s body was stored in ceiling of FIT shelter

    • Riley reviewed documents related to the Montgomery family’s stay in FIT, including work order requesting investigation of the vents due to a “weird smell”

    • Discussed his investigation of Unit 1 at FIT, noted that he smelled “decomp” when he walked into the room, worked for about an hour to cut stained ceiling tile from ceiling

    • July 20, 2022 drove ceiling tile to Florida DNA Lab, drove straight through without stopping to sleep, appeared confident the sample was not disturbed or tampered with during transit

    • During cross, noted that he talked to Kayla both at FIT and at the police station, advised her she could have an attorney and that the interview was voluntary

    • Reviewed note on January 31, 2022 written by Kayla that was discovered in her cell after her arrest during a cell search

    • Discussed how chain of custody is preserved in handling evidence

  • Ray Lemy, detective with MPD

    • Discussed how he processed evidence involved in the case starting around January 2022, including the ceiling tile taken from FIT 

    • Used a Kastle-Meyer test on ceiling tile, a test used to detect blood, and submitted the tile to Florida DNA lab for further analysis based on test results

    • Also used a Hemostick, a tool used to test for the presence of blood, to test items from the blue Audi, sent all positive tests to NH State Forensics Lab

    • Removed various items from evidence, including the ceiling title, and displayed them to the jury

    • During cross, discussed additional items taken from the blue Audi and submitted to forensics lab

    • Testified that he assisted Det. O’Leary in processing the Sebring using Bluestar

  • Rachel Radwich, evidence supervisor at MPD

    • Discussed protocols for storage and processing of evidence at MPD facility

    • Noted that she smelled a “strong rotting odor” while analyzing the ceiling tile

  • Yard Lujano, contractor 

    • Appeared with interpreter

    • Testified that he installed the sheetrock ceiling tile at FIT shelter

    • Otherwise had no apparent connection to the case

  • Kevin McHahon, retired criminologist for the NH State Police Forensic Lab

    • Discussed analyzing evidence gathered from blue Audi as well as the Igloo cooler in which Harmony’s body was allegedly stored, noting that no blood was found 

    • Also discussed taking samples from the stained ceiling tile, noting that blood was found

  • Martin Orlowicz, Latent Print Examiner for MPD

    • Discussed techniques of fingerprint analysis such as ACE methodology (analysis, comparison, evaluation)

    • Examined Igloo cooler to confirm it was the one he analyzed for fingerprints

    • Testified that he did not find any prints at the time of analysis

    • Testified that he was able to find prints belonging to Adam Montgomery on both the metal rods that supported the ceiling tile as well as the metal vent that allegedly held Harmony’s decomposing body

    • On cross, testified that he did not notice any indications that anyone had attempted to wipe the cooler of prints 

  • Court concluded a little after 4:00 PM

Jim Davis/Boston Globe/Pool

Tuesday, February 13

Nine witnesses take the stand, including Kayla's mother
  • Adam Montgomery did not appear in court.

  • The state continues calling witnesses.

  • Officer Neil Penttinen, Manchester Police Community Policing Unit

    • Officer Penttinen responded to both of Adam’s car accidents on November 29, 2019, at S. Wilson and Vinton and on December 2, 2019, at Franklin and Market.

    • On Nov. 29, Tabitha Scott was in the passenger seat and Kayla and her two boys were in the back seats. Harmony was not with them.

    • On Dec. 2, only Kayla was in the car with Adam.

    • During cross, the defense clarifies the location of the accidents and asks about what restraints or car seats would be needed for young children.

  • Matthew Gendron, worked with Adam and Kayla at Dunkin’

    • Testifies about Facebook messages from Adam and Kayla’s joint Facebook account asking for a jump when their car died just after midnight on Dec 8, 2019.

  • Aaron S, former tow truck driver

    • Testified about towing the 2010 Chrysler Sebring from Webster and Elm on Dec 7, 2019

    • Recalled two men retrieving items from the car and that there were no children on the scene.

  • Joseph Tucker, former Manchester Police Detective

    • Assisted in conducting a search of the 2010 Chrysler Sebring at an MPD vehicle processing bay.

    • Personally collected 8 pieces of evidence, including Harmony’s pink toothbrush and a piece of the trunk liner of the car.

    • Opened evidence bag on the stand to show the actual pink toothbrush in court

    • Demonstrated the 2-glove procedure for handling evidence

    • Discussed procedures for swabbing for evidence such as blood and the use of Bluestar

    • During Cross, the defense asked about other areas of the car, but Tucker only worked on the trunk.

  • Sgt Brian O’Leary with Manchester Police Department

    • Discussed procedures for photographing evidence, using Bluestar, and collecting evidence

    • The 2010 Chrysler Sebring was processed over two days, because it took a while. There was no positive reaction to the Bluestar blood detection agent in any area of the car, interior or exterior

    • Sgt. O’Leary also sprayed Bluestar in two areas of the basement of Gilford St. residence with no results

  • Anthony Bodero, let the Montgomerys stay in his car

    • Lived at Colonial Village Apartments with Tanya Clemont and shared rent, where he parked his blue Audi.

    • Sold heroin and crack to Adam and Kayla, who would pay with either cash or food stamps.

    • Let Adam, Kayla, and their two boys stay in his car when the Sebring broke down. Harmony was not with them any time that he saw the Montgomerys while they were staying in the car - including when he gave them Thanksgiving leftovers and a pizza.

    • During cross, Anthony admitted that he lied to the grand jury originally because he was scared and didn’t want to be implicated in Harmony’s disappearance. 

    • Also during cross, there was a discrepancy over the last time Anthony was indicted for drug possession - Anthony stated it was 2017, but the defense presents court paperwork that says 2019.

  • Ryan Heile, Manchester Detective

    • Testified about searching the blue Audi but not finding anything of relevance.

    • Stated that DNA Labs International in Florida processed some of the evidence in the case, such as a ceiling tile.

  • Christina Lubin, Kayla’s mother

    • Testified that after Thanksgiving the Montgomerys, including Harmony visited, but when they returned in December Harmony was not with them.

    • Christina left money in a cooler for the Montgomerys to fix their tire, and Christina identified the cooler which was in an evidence bag in court. The cooler looked like the cooler Kayla identified as the one Adam put Harmony’s body into.

    • Christina also states she had various saws and power tools.

    • On cross, Christina states that the last time she saw Harmony she “seemed fine.”

  • Katie Swango, Forensic Biologist from NH State Police Forensic Laboratory

    • Explained how DNA is used to identify people and the procedure for creating a DNA profile.

    • Testified that she has two known samples of DNA - Adam Montgomery’s and Crystal Sorey’s.

    • Testified there was one item that she was able to test the two known samples against - Harmony’s toothbrush - and that the DNA sample showed it was mostly likely to be from a female child from Adam and Crystal.

  • Court ended around 4:00 and will resume with Swango on the stand on Wednesday.

Credit David Lane/Union Leader/Pool

Images of Gendron's Facebook conversation with Adam and Kayla, courtesy of WMUR

Monday, February 12

Three witnesses take the stand, including Kayla's cross, redirect, and recross
  • Adam Montgomery did not appear in court.

  • Kayla takes the stand, with the defense continuing cross-examination, which focuses on:

    • When Harmony was seen by anyone other than Adam and Kayla, such as out in public and not wearing a blanket to hide her bruising. 

      • Harmony did not have a black eye when they visited Kayla’s mom’s house.

      • Kayla denies that Harmony was out of the car often, but often does not remember specifics when asked, such as when the defense questioned her about a time that she allegedly lost her phone while at the mall to entertain the kids - Kayla states she does not remember that event.

    • Harmony’s bathroom accidents, how smelly or dirty their car was while they were living in it, and if Harmony would be cleaned up.

      • Kayla states that they would use gas station restrooms, and sometimes Anthony Bodero’s apartment. 

      • When Harmony soiled herself, Kayla would change her clothes, but not clean the soiled ones.

      • The defense points out that they must have had limited outfits for Harmony to change into, but Kayla says she does not remember how many.

    • Kayla and Adam’s drug use and how they got their drugs.

      • Anthony Bodero would supply them. Kayla admits that sometimes Bodero would give them to her for free, which is why Adam would sometimes send her to get them.

    • Kayla’s theft from Dunkin’ which led to her termination.

      • Kayla admits that when she was caught, in exchange for not filing charges, Dunkin’ requested that Kayla write a note accepting responsibility for the theft.

      • The defense makes a point of noting that Kayla was “forced” to accept responsibility instead of offering to accept responsibility.

    • The morning of Harmony’s death

      • Kayla states that in the early morning hours on the day she claims Haromony died, Adam punched Harmony in the head 10 to 15 times after another bathroom accident. 

      • This was before the incident that killed Harmony. 

      • Kayla tried telling him to stop but he “just lost it” and had his “crazy eyes.” Because of that, she did not immediately clean the car or clean Harmony  and stayed awake all night until 7 am when the methadone clinic opened.

    • Kayla’s recount of Harmony’s death.

      • As in direct, Kayla testifies that Adam struck Harmony in the head outside of the clinic when he returned to the car that morning and that there were three separate assaults on their way to Burger King that day 

      • Kayla states that Seamus did not cry during these incidents despite Harmony and Deghclan’s cries and that Adam said he “thinks I really hurt her” after the final assault but that he still proceeded to order food through the Burger King drive-thru as though nothing happened

      • The defense attorney says, “Kayla, that assault never happened did it?” Kayla replies, “Yes it did.”

      • When Kayla states that she did not attempt to stop Adam because he had a “look of pure evil” on his face, the defense says, “A person of pure evil is not someone you love,” and Kayla says “That’s hard to say.”

      • Kayla says she “felt like [she] had no say” in terms of doing anything to help Harmony. 

    • The period after Harmony’s death, including the dismemberment of Harmony and Adam’s actions.

      • As in direct, Kayla states she did not buy the lime or help apply it to Harmony’s body and that she did not put Harmony in the bag.

      • Kayla admits she used scissors to remove Harmony’s hoodie and helped to close the bag.

      • When asked about Adam wanting to commit suicide after dismembering Harmony’s body, Kayla says she told him he needed to live for the sake of their kids.

    • Kayla’s future

      • Kayla has a parole hearing in May where she could be released.

  • The state then asks Kayla questions on redirect, where Kayla clarifies and explains some of the things that were brought up during cross:

    • When Adam was “losing it,” she meant he was “abusive in all ways - physical, emotional, mentally.”

    • When Adam started going crazy, she did think he was “pure evil.”

    • There were good times during that period, but it was mostly bad.

    • Kayla still cares about Adam because “He’s the father of our children and my best friend. It’s hard to let go.”

    • She felt like she was betraying Adam because “I didn’t want him to be mad at me for doing the right thing.”

    • Kayla states everyone would eat baby food sometimes since one of the payments Bodero accepted for drugs was food stamps.

    • Kayla did not receive immunity for testifying against Adam

    • Kayla is currently living in prison with no right to see or communicate with her children.

    • When shown the picture of her bruised face and asked why she would stay with someone like that, Kayla said “Because I was scared.”

  • During re-cross examination by the defense, the main focus is reiterating Kayla’s lies and changing stories during the early part of the investigation.

    • Additionally, Kayla states she knows Adam is conceding the falsifying evidence and abuse of corpse charges because her attorney told her.

  • Courtney Garcia is the next witness for the state.

    • Courtney is a former boss of Adam and her husband was his childhood friend.

    • Courtney and her husband offered the Montgomerys a place to stay on Thanksgiving night 2019, but they declined.

    • Adam told Courtney he brought Harmony to her mother because she kept having accidents in the vehicle and that her mother could provide her with a home

    • Under cross, Courtney clarifies that Adam wanted to stay with them during Thanksgiving 2019, but Kayla did not want to.

  • Kimberly Frain is the next witness for the state.

    • Kimberly worked with Kayla and Adam at Dunkin

    • Kimberly babysat Harmony and the two other children during the summer of 2019

    • Kimberly brought the Montgomerys jumper cables in the winter of 2019 and did not see Harmony with them.

  • Court ends for the day around 3:50 pm.

Friday, February 9

Kayla Montgomery takes the stand
  • Adam Montgomery did not appear in court.

  • Kayla Montgomery took the stand. She became emotional on the stand, crying at times. Her testimony included:

    • Addressing her lie to the grand jury, stating that she was working at Dunkin Donuts while Adam brought Harmony to live with her mom. She stated that she lied because Adam told her to and that she is now serving time for perjury as part of her plea deal. 

    • Harmony’s black eye that Kevin Montgomery previously testified about.

    • Harmony’s potty training regression after their eviction and how Adam would smack Harmony when accidents happened. 

    • How Adam would cover Harmony with blankets so no one, including cops after a car accident that they were involved in, could not see her bruises and black eyes

    • Adam discovering another bathroom accident after leaving the methadone clinic, beating Harmony, and continuing to beat her to death while driving to Burger King.

      • Kayla recalls putting her arm up to attempt to stop Adam, but he gave her a look that scared her. Kayla said she had never seen that look in his eyes before.

      • Harmony made moaning noises that she had never heard before and eventually went silent. At Burger King, they ate in the car and Kayla fed the two other children but Harmony was under the blanket. Kayla was scared to look at Harmony.

    • Leaving the Colonial Village Apartments and their car dying. Adam is unable to wake Harmony up to get them out of the car and no one called 911.

      • Adam put Harmony’s body in a duffle bag and placed it in a snowbank when they returned back to Colonial Village to sleep in a friend’s car. Harmony’s body was moved to the trunk of the car.

    • Going to Kayla’s aunt’s house, where the duffel with Harmony’s body was placed on the porch.

    • Moving to Kayla’s mom’s house where Harmony’s body was still in the duffle and placed by the trash until Adam moved it to a cooler in the hallway where it stayed for 2 weeks.

    • Moving to Families In Transition (FIT), where Adam put Harmony’s body in the ceiling by climbing on the bunk bed to access a vent.

      • Adam moved the body when maintenance came to investigate the smell.

      • Adam told Kayla about the blood and fluid that was in the ceiling and moved Harmony’s body to a trash bag and then a diaper bag.

      • Adam discussed getting rid of Harmony’s body, including using lime to speed the decay, and using a hand saw and a blender called a Nutribullet to dismember her body.

      • Adam put Harmony’s body in a CMC tote bag and had Kayla bring it to him, using a stroller, at his job at Portland Pie Company, where he put the bag in a freezer.

    • Moving to an apartment on Union Street where Adam hid Harmony’s body in their fridge, and attempted to defrost her in their bathroom using hot water and lime.

      • Kayla saw Harmony’s body and described it as skin barely clinging to bones. She recalls having to leave the room because she could not handle it.

    • How Adam eventually rented a hotel room and a U-Haul through a friend, and they stayed in the hotel room with the friend for a night. That night, Adam left to dispose of Harmony’s body and Kayla does not know where.

    • How Adam began and continued to abuse Kayla when he thought she was talking to the police.

      • Adam destroyed objects in their home, thinking there were cameras and microphones

      • Adam continually beat Kayla and threatened to have her killed.

      • Adam ripped a phone out of her hand when she tried to call for help.

    • Identifying a picture of herself with black eyes, taken the day that she finally was able to take the kids and leave Adam on March 17, 2021. She also stated that they were still legally married, having gotten married on Harmony’s third birthday - June 7, 2017.

  • After lunch, Kayla is back on the stand, and cross-examination by the defense began.

    • The defense questions Kayla about the note that was found in her cell about wanting one more time with Adam before she “betrays” him. 

    • Most of the defense’s cross focuses on the lies Kayla told before she cooperated with law enforcement, in particular, her lies before the Grand Jury, two of which she is currently serving time for perjury.

    • Court ends for the day around 3:10 when Kayla seems uncomfortable on the stand and says her head hurts with a migraine.

Thursday, February 8

Opening statements, Crystal Sorey testifies along with 7 other witnesses
  • Adam Montgomery does not appear in court.

  • Opening statements by the prosecution began around 9:15 am and finished around 10:00 am

    • Knowles’ statements included graphic details on what the prosecution intends to show Adam did to Harmony before her death and to her body after he killed her.

    • Knowles walked the jury through the prosecution’s timeline of events, including previous abuse of Harmony by Adam, Adam beating Harmony to death, carrying her body around, dismembering and disposing of her, and beating Kayla Montgomery to keep her quiet.

    • Knowles showed a CMC bag similar to the one that Harmony’s body was allegedly kept in after she died.

  • Opening statements by the defense began around 10:05 am and finished around 10:45 am

    • Brooks’ statements make the point that Kayla Montgomery has lied under oath previously and state that her version of events is still a lie, that Harmony died the night before the prosecution’s story alleges.

    • Brooks shows a piece of notepaper that Kayla wrote in jail that included statements of affection for Adam, which Brooks claims means she did not fear him as the prosecution stated.

  • The state starts their case by calling witnesses to the stand:

    • Michelle Raftery, Harmony's foster mom

      • Michelle testified that potty training Harmony was easy and she was fully potty trained

    • Crystal Sorey, Harmony’s biological mother

      • Crystal testifies about the last time she spoke with Harmony over a video call before Adam cut off all contact.

    • DD Travers, a nurse practitioner at CMC

      • DD testified that she took Harmony’s vitals during a visit on June 2, 2019

    • Kevin Montgomery, Adam Montgomery’s uncle

      • Kevin testified about a black eye he noticed on Harmony and that when he asked Adam about it, Adam responded, "I bashed her around the house." 

      • Kevin also testified that reported the abuse to DCYF to get help for Harmony

    • Katie Morin, a former friend and romantic partner of Adam

  • Katie testifies that Adam told her Kayla would “do anything for him”

  • She also testifies about Adam saying that he “backhanded” Harmony causing the same black eye Kevin testified to, and that Adam stated that was the worst thing he’s ever done.

    • Nicholas Ahern, a former associate of Adam

  • Nicholas testified about seeing a black eye on Harmony the one time her met her

    • Paul Montray, Sheriff's Deputy in Hillsborough County

  • Paul testified about evicting the Montgomerys from their Gilford Street apartment in 2019

    • Demetrios Tsaros, former DCYF worker

Wednesday, February 7

Jury is selected, Adam acknowledges guilt to some charges, Jury tours locations
  • Adam Montgomery does not appear in court.

  • Montgomery executed his right to not appear in court and requested to wear leg shackles instead of a a leg brace for improved comfort.

  • Jury selections continue.

    • 17 jurors were sworn in.

    • The jury, including alternates, is made up of 14 women and 3 men.

  • Jurors receive their instructions from Judge Messer

  • Montgomery appears via Webex after jurors leave the courtroom.

    • Montgomery states he wishes for his attorneys to acknowledge his guilt of falsifying physical evidence and abuse of a corpse.

    • Judge Messer advised Montgomery that about 1 hour before transport each day of trial he would need to advise the prison if he wants or refuses transport to court for the day.

  • Judge Messer advises the court that the jury will be touring key locations from the case and that opening statements will be the next day.

  • Jurors received instructions from the prosecution and defense on what they should be paying attention to at each location.

  • Jurors, with Judge Messer and the attorneys, toured key locations in the case:

    • Methadone clinic at 20 Market Street 

      • Jurors remained on the bus to view the area.

      • In the explanation to the jurors, it was communicated this location is where Kayla and Adam received treatment. 

      • Allegedly when Adam Montgomery exited he found Harmony allegedly had an “accident” and began to hit her.

    • Burger King on Hooksett Road 

      • Jurors remained on the bus in the parking lot to view the area.

      • Allegedly where the Montgomerys pulled into the parking lot after leaving the clinic.

    • West River Drive

      • The bus pulled behind two large apartment buildings 

      • Jurors walked the parking lot and viewed an area containing a dumpster. 

    • Elm and Webster Streets

      • Jurors exited the bus to view the intersection 

      • Where Chrysler Sebring that the Montgomerys were in allegedly broke down.

    • Union and Orange Streets

      • Jurors remained on the bus to view an apartment building

      • Location where a large amount of evidence had been gathered during the investigation

    • Elm and Merrimack Streets

      • Jurors remained on the bus to view the previous location of Portland Pie (now Chase Bank).

      • Adam Montgomery previously worked here and allegedly moved Harmony’s body to the freezer of the restaurant.

Tuesday, February 6

Jury selections begin, Adam appears in court
  • Jury selections begin from a pool of about 200 potential jurors

  • Adam Montgomery appears in court, appearing to laugh and make faces for the cameras. 

Credit David Lane/Union Leader/Pool

All photos and content © Manchester Information LLC, except where noted.


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