Hanover Street Renovations Making Space For Apartments And Retail In Historic Building
MANCHESTER, NH - The renovation and transition of the large property at 73 Hanover Street is moving along, and the transformation is becoming very visible.
For months contractors worked inside the building doing demo and gutting the old space which previously housed several offices and retail businesses. As the demo was completed contractors loaded in materials to create over 40 apartments that will be built in the building.
The building which was originally built in 1871 once held the “Order of Odd Fellows” The name has been preserved on the exterior wall on Hanover Street.
The building was purchased by Red Oaks which owns several properties including the Citizen’s Bank building at 875 Elm Street, and the Opera Block Apartments on Hanover Street.
Red Oaks commissioned the newly completed and very popular Manchester mural on the side of the parking garage that was completed by artist James Chase.

Hanover Street has been lit up with newly installed and upgraded lighting which adds to the ambiance of the Palace Theater marquis.
On the West end of the building, an addition has been added which will be part of a new restaurant which will be added to the block. The restaurant sources say will be a higher-end restaurant adding to the eclectic mix of downtown restaurants.
The demand for office space in Manchester is down, and the need for housing is booming. The new renovation will bring apartments that are described as market-rate apartments on the floor floors of the reconfigured space.
The timeline for completion of the project has not been announced but it appears it will be completed in 2024.
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